Meet The Team

Tony Garcia
Systems / Network Consultant / Systems Designer / Programmer
From the age of 6, I liked electronics and I started building my own electronic circuits. Mainly sound and mechanical robots with no logic but with physical actuators.
In 1979 someone told me computers were the way of the future, a machine that could do anything. I was confused and had no clue what that meant.
In 1984, while studying Electrical Engineering in College, I took a computer programming class thinking: I may have to learn these things someday, who knows… I was hooked! I could not stop writing code and as a Junior in College, switched from Electrical Engineering to Computer Science.
Later, I wrote software for the Medical Industry and for the oil field. From Electronic Signal processing, to Medical Records, to Accounting and for data collection and Electronic Data Interchange for Linux and Windows Platforms as well as what it is called “Inter Process Communication” (machines talking to machines).
That lead me into the world of IT because of the lack of standard support for networks and distributed systems that existed at the time.
With so much work, I either developed a team or joined a team. I simply decided to acquire shares from one of my suppliers and source of IT support where I have been happy ever since with multiple projects and deployments since 1997.

Carl Benoit
Network / Sales / Systems Consultant
With a background in electronics and over 40 years of experience having to make printers, servers, and users communicate. Because of this, I had to study and develop methods to quickly deploy and correct issues due to the disparity of scenarios.
I invested in a small local computer company to assure I had a direct control of my future in technology.
In 2005, I quit my 29 year job and joined my company full time. What was then a computer sales company, became a very successful IT management company.
We had developed a successful cloud computing platform and had customers in several time zones and countries.
As things developed these customers demanded more specialized hardware, from there, I made my mark knowing how to deploy specialized setups based solely on the customer’s needs.
With quite a few vendors and manufacturers I now select the best deployment scenarios for our customers and look forward to doing this for many more years.
I wake up every morning with the anticipation of helping our clients achieve their goals.

Gary Gauthier
IT Technician/Specialist
I have been fascinated with computers since I was 6 years old, at which time I enjoyed rebuilding and configuring computers. Later in life watching movies with technology of the future, I wanted to be a part of that world. Being inspired by the world around me and how great it is to help others, I decided to mix my dream of being part of the future in computer world with my passion to help others, thus bringing me into this field.

Brant Guidry
IT Technician/Specialist
My Grandfather always had a computer when I was growing up so computers have always been in my life.
When I got my own I was on it all the time. One thing led to another and now I do it for a living.

Dillon Gilger
IT Technician/Specialist
I have had a passion for technology since I was a kid. At 14, I helped my friend build his first computer and was hooked from that point on. I didn’t know at the time that IT consisted of more than just putting computers together, but I can say with confidence that I could not have picked a better career path.

Sean Champagne
IT Technician/Specialist
Ever since I could remember I’ve always had an interest in putting things together and taking things apart. This was led by my curiosity to find out how things work. When I was five years old, I was given my first toolbox as a birthday present by my grandparents, after which I proceeded to disassemble the family VCR. My tools where promptly replaced with Legos and model kits.
My family always had a computer since I was little and I took any chance I could get to use it, of course I was monitored to make sure I wouldn’t try to take anything apart. When I was in High School a close friend’s brother was working at NASA in Houston. One time he came down for a visit and built his brother a computer. He showed us how to assemble the machine, what each part did and why they were important.
I’ve been Hooked on computers ever since.

Mark Menard
IT Technician/Specialist
Hello! I am currently enrolled at South Louisiana Community College for information technology. Computers have been a central part of my life since my childhood and started using it when dial-up internet was invented.
Work experience comes from sales positions, for example cars, wireless, computers, food, internet and television sales. This is my first job in IT and I look forward to making this my career until I retire.
My goal is to serve to the best of my ability while providing great customer service.

Alex Garcia
Web / App Developer / Programmer
I value understanding complex, continually developing systems. The efficient operation of high-power systems captivated me, leading me to pursue a Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. During my studies, I discovered the immense connection between computer electronics and mechanical engineering design. Curiosity drove me to explore how these fields can adapt together for societal progress. This interest led me to branch deeply into computer programming and website development. Post-graduation, I aim to develop innovative systematic solutions to future challenges.

Andre Garcia
Software Developer / Programmer
Growing up, I have always been interested in everything electronics. Computer programming and computer hardware has always been in my vision in what I wanted to pursue in my future. In high school, I was part of the robotics team and helped design a completely functional robot. From then on, I knew I wanted to set my interest into computer programming. I attended the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and received my Bachelors Degree in Computer Science, thus leading me to understand in depth the various technologies, programming languages, and computer systems that drive our society today. As a result, I am working to further develop software for various industries to supplement various solutions with great knowledge as well as enthusiasm.

Julie Garcia
HR Manager
I started helping as the HR person since 2014, after Covid, PCM needed help in AR after losing all their office personnel, so I came in full time.
Today, I handle all those tasks plus payroll while working as a full time Real Estate Agent and grandmother.
I can only do this because of the kind of automation that PCM has put into place for me to do my work.

Our History
PCM Technologies History
PCM Technologies has been in business since 1994, but of course, we did not start then. Our founders already had experience obtained during college and as pioneers of information technology around the Acadiana area and more. Our expertise range from basic networking to large distributed systems. These systems will include network infrastructure, firewalls and routers as well as stations, servers and backup systems. As Microsoft Silver Partners we must continuously maintain our Partner Status. All of our technicians have at least one IT related degree from accredited schools and at least one additional IT or related industry certification.
PCM Technologies Staying On the Leading Edge of Technologies
Network hardware and deployment. Secure FISMA emails (Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002)
Deployment and maintenance of computers systems, software and email systems.
Design, deployment and maintenance of private cloud systems as well as systems which span multiple states and countries.
Remote management and administration of systems located in multiple states.
Customized solutions and tailored applications across various industries.
Design, deployment and maintenance of large networks (some over 80 locations) where users work as if they were in the same location.
Design, development and deployment of custom line-of-business applications and solutions as well as websites.
We have assisted multiple customers to organize and design their new locations by managing the third party entities which will supply services to our customers.
We have rescued specialized solutions developed by defunct companies and retro-engineered them to make them work again for our customers.
We engage local charity organizations in the Acadiana area.